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NeuroSolv Therapeutics LTD Business Ethics & Inclusion Policies

We have set out these policies because we believe in them. They are assessed and approved by the Founder Directors. They are stated because the truth matters. They will be dynamic and a source of stability and growth for our business.


All NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd. team members, whether directly employed or working as a consultant for NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd., are responsible for their personal fulfilment of the policies in their actions whilst acting for and in the mission of NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd.

NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd will review the Policies listed above on an annual basis each January

Business Ethics

Business ethics are critical to set standards for ethically correct and ethically erroneous conduct and practice in business. They are a reference and become the natural correct conduct.


Law only has a partial role in business ethics, as ethics enhance laws already set and predefined by outlining acceptable and morally correct behaviour that goes beyond government control.


NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd. mission is resolving spinal cord injury and the company mandates its business units, employees, and Directors to perform their duties to this highest ethical standard and in line with relevant laws.


We will only use data with a clear basis.

General Principles

NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd. will conduct all its business in a competent, fair, and efficient manner which upholds corporate reputations and to inspire trust in its actions. Company reputation is to be built upon performance alone. The company is dedicated to upholding a safe and healthy working environment whilst striving to improve the lives of others. NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd. is also committed to sustainability and respectful of the environment by limiting environmental impact where possible.

Inclusion & Equality

NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd. welcomes people from all backgrounds and does not discriminate against persons for their:

  • Race

  • Sex

  • Gender

  • Nationality

  • Disability

  • Sexual Orientation

  • Social/Economic Class

  • Education

  • Immigration Status

  • Age

  • Political Beliefs

  • Religion


There is a zero tolerance policy for misconduct, discrimination and unacceptable workplace behaviour. It is company protocol to act professionally and represent the company in a considerate and respectful manner when dealing in-and-out of house. All employees are treated equally with dignity and a speak up culture is nurtured. NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd.

is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes diversity.

Customer Care

NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd. is mindful of supplying up to date and accurate information, avoiding misleading statements, concealments and overstatement in its company conduct, and is aware of the sensitive nature that the company’s dealings may have when interaction with people and their personal health.


We welcome questions and input.

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd. is committed to conducting its business in an ethical manner with a zero-tolerance policy for bribery and corruption. NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd. partnerships rely on trust, which bribery and corruption abuses to procure goods or services in a non-transparent, unethical manner. NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd. is committed to never accepting or paying bribes, including facilitation payments.

Giving & Receiving Gifts

NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd. employees will not accept nor seek for themselves or others, gifts, favours, or entertainment without legitimate reason from any person or business organisation that does not do business, seek to do business, or is a competitor of NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd.

Government, Regulators & Legislation 

NeuroSolv Therapeutics Ltd. has always, and will continue to, work in compliance with international and national legislation and best practice. The company will meet its tax obligations and will not make any financial contributions to any political party.

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